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Passwords for computer, email account, bank account, social media and list goes on. Learn why and how to create and set strong Passwords? Strong passwords are necessary; it helps you prevent unauthorized access to your sensitive information and devices.  

Long passwords with special characters make it very difficult for a hacker to crack your passwords. The complexity of your Password is directly related to the sensitivity of the information you have on the portal. I have outlined some best practices while creating passwords. 


  • Any apparent combinations such as 12345, 00000, 22222 and so on combinations of phone numbers and addresses, or your personal information; 
  • Sequential numbers or letters; 
  • Username with a slight variation of the Password; 
  • Using words directly out of the dictionary that a hacker can easily hack with the help of a dictionary program 


  • Use sentences as your Password and spice them up with a combination of numbers and special characters. 
  • You can also use a password generator; it’s best to use an offline generator so that your Password doesn’t get intercepted. Many password managers, such as  LastPass  or  Dashlane, also offer built-in password generator tools. 

While you are out there trying different passwords, use  How Secure is my Password? or a similar tool to find out if your Password is strong enough. If it’s too easy, the meter will let you know what you can add or remove to make it stronger. 

Life Lessons We Learn The Hard Way: 

  • Never disclose usernames and passwords to anyone 
  • Never store usernames and passwords on paper 
  • Update your account password every six months 
  • Do not use passwords that have been used in the past 
  • Never provide credentials when requested through email 
  • Run regular virus scans on your computer 
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)