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Is It Time To Let Go Of Traditional Data Backup & Recovery System?

Data Backups run deep into the traditional architecture of companies running for years around the world. Most business leaders are content with their regular data backup and recovery system as long as it suffices their main purpose. However, the story does not end here; in fact, it begins at the very stage when you feel content and yet at the very point you stumble upon a data loss threat. Shocked? Get hold of yourself for you might be missing out the bus.

There is no denial over the growing menace of data theft in companies of all sizes and nature.  It’s only during this phase, your existing data back and recovery strategy come into the real test. Its success or failure will decide the mettle to combat the seething cyber-attacks on your company.

With dynamic changes in business environment, it had become important to change the data backup and recovery strategies to survive many new emerging challenges and continue charting the path to business success and growth.

There are challenges plaguing your traditional backup and recovery system that reflect the need of advanced storage solutions to support business profitability:

  • Hesitance to accept Cloud solutions:

Most companies are reluctant to deploy all the data on cloud for their own inhibitions. Given the bulk volume of data, the conventional storage devices are incompetent to do the needful. Yet the companies choose to operate within their comfort zone and resist using cloud storage solutions to expand their strategic periphery.

  • Prolonged Backups

The traditional data backup and recovery consume more time as the data volume grows. In the current time, you can certainly not expect this basic procedure to consume so much of your time. Right? Also, the lengthy process may influence the performance of your applications after a certain stage.

  • Delayed Recovery

As much as backups are important, the data must be recovered before it is too late. In the case you failed to do so, there are good chances that your business operations would be halted and you may experience trouble providing the services.  The process ought to be quick in order to ensure quick retrieval of the company date to prevent any unforeseen situation on the customers end.

  • Serious data recovery (DR) Issues

Data has always been important but in today’s business environment, you can’t just have it without them. It is about survival. Having said that there are decent number of challenges for traditional data recovery methodologies that may create unexpected issues with smooth restoration.

As per the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, D.C., nearly 93% of companies that suffered due to data loss for at least 10 days were relegated to file for bankruptcy, and another 60% has to shut the shop in six months.

It goes onto highlight the severity of the data recovery failure. The various challenges plaguing data recovery involve high cost, and time for recovery and many more. The traditional backups are of little or no support to the existing data recovery processes.

  • Protection For Large Database

Whilst small data loss can be somewhat managed, problems amplify in case of large databases. They are crucial to the survival of the business operations and prolonged recovery operations could prove to be taxing to run the company.

  • Tape Trouble

Even though most of the users employ online backup storage, tape backup can still be found in many large companies owing to the archival stability it offers. Over the years, the confidence on the tape backup has slithered, especially when it comes to retaining data for long term. Also, the incompatibility issues with tape has shooed away IT personnel to explore alternative options to make things easier for them.

In the end …

As companies are realizing the perils of sticking with traditional backup and recovery systems, the leadership is left with little option but to consider cloud storage solutions. Contact IT experts from Mace IT Services to get an internal review and explore consortium of cloud storage solutions for your company.